Friday, February 03, 2006

Wednesday, 2/8/06 - Welcome to the 6th Grade Social Studies Blog!


  1. Choose a technician.
  2. Get a laptop.
  3. Go to the Social Studies Website:
  4. Copy the objective and complete today's assignments.

SWBAT use the Social Studies website to complete the lesson.

  • Once you have copied the objective, read below as a group.
  • When you have finished reading, complete the assignment at the end of the reading.
Read as a group:
Many of our lessons in class will begin here. Take a minute to look at the website. Enjoy!

You will be working in groups when we use the website to do our lessons.
The regular rules apply:
  1. Treat the computers gently.
  2. Only one person may work on the computer at a time.
  3. The technician is responsible for taking care of the computer (turning it on and off, putting it away, choosing who is on it).
  4. Only school-related websites may be viewed.
  5. Learn and have FUN!!!
Every time you use the computers, there will still be an objective, bell-work, a closing question and homework for you to write down. Additionally, you will be asked to answer questions and complete assignments in your notebook. The difference is, you will be getting much of this from the computer rather than from the board or from Mr. Locke.

Important: You will not be allowed to use the computers if you...
  1. Are disruptive (call out without raising your hand, get other students' attention rather than let others do their work).
  2. Are disrespectful to your classmates or the teacher (say anything inappropriate, talk back to Mr. Locke when he asks you to do something, keep others from doing their work).
  3. Do not follow directions (if you are given directions on the website or by Mr. Locke, you must follow them).
Using the computers is a privilege. If you cannot be trusted to behave well and complete the work, you will NOT use the computers. The computers are expensive tools and they need to be treated with care. If you do not follow all rules, the consequence will be loss of computer privileges.


  • Open a second internet window by clicking on Internet Explorer again. Keep one of the 2 windows on the so that you can go back and look at the assignment.
  • Click here and read about Confucius as a group.
  • Click here to see a picture of a Confucian temple. Here's another temple.
  • Answer the questions below:

Answer these questions in your notebook:
  1. What were the key teachings of Confucius?
  2. Do you think his teachings were good? Why?
  3. Confucius said: "If you enjoy what you do, you'll never work another day in your life." What do you think this means? Explain your answer.
What do you think about doing our lessons in this way? Do you think it will work well? Why or why not?