Wednesday, March 08, 2006

How to Behave in Class - Friday, 3/10/06

  • Why do we have rules in social studies class?
  • Why is it important to have rules?
SWBAT describe how they should behave in Mr. Locke's class.

  • If everyone follows all the rules in social studies, what happens? (2 sentences)
  • If some people don't follow the rules, what happens? (2 sentences)
  • If no one follows the rules, what happens? (2 sentences)

  1. We will first continue our discussion of yesterday's student behavior survey.
  2. Complete all the reading that is in purple.
  3. Copy the class rules in green.
  4. Complete Assignment #1 as a group.
Lately, it seems as though many students are forgetting how they are supposed to behave in Mr. Locke's class. Because I want you to choose success and get the best education you can during your time at MS 126, we will take today's lesson to remind ourselves of the class rules and use this opportunity to correct any misbehavior that keeps happening over and over again.

The class rules are:
  1. Respect your classmates, your teacher, and yourself.
  2. Follow the teacher’s directions the first time they are given.
  3. Act like the ladies and gentlemen you are
  4. Class time is for class business.
  5. Always try your best!
We are going to use today and tomorrow to review the class rules and procedures. We have been doing a lot of great work lately, and I want that to continue and even to get better. In order for that to happen, it is important that we all know and are following the rules.

We are going to change the consequences in class. Rather than having Mr. Locke say, "you have detention," and then not give detention, there will be several Student Reflection Sheets that you will need to complete as a consequence for breaking the rules or procedures. For example, if you are late, you will be asked to complete a "You were late to class" worksheet. Read below to see what it looks like.

You were late to class

In life there are penalties for being late. If you are late to your job, you can get fired. If you are doctor, late to surgery, your patient could die. If you’re a soldier late for your mission, you or members of your team could die.

Being late to class will not lead to anyone’s death, but it hurts your success in school and it keeps other people waiting to start class. This is rude and unacceptable.

As a consequence for being late, you need to copy these definitions from the dictionary about lateness on a separate sheet of paper. Do not leave any words out. Do not come late to class.

Main Entry: 1late
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English, late, slow, from Old English læt; akin to Old High German laz slow, Old English l[AE]tan to let
Date: before 12th century
1 a (1) : coming or remaining after the due, usual, or proper time late spring> (2) : of, relating to, or imposed because of tardiness b : of or relating to an advanced stage in point of time or development late Middle Ages>; especially : far advanced toward the close of the day or night <late hours>
2 a : living comparatively recently -- used of persons late John Doe> and often with reference to a specific relationship or status late wife> b : being something or holding some position or relationship recently but not now late belligerents> c : made, appearing, or happening just previous to the present time especially as the most recent of a succession late quarrel>
synonym see
- late·ness noun

Main Entry: 1tar·dy
Function: adjective
Etymology: alteration of earlier tardif, from Middle French, from (assumed) Vulgar Latin tardivus, from Latin tardus
Date: 15th century
1 : moving slowly : SLUGGISH
2 : delayed beyond the expected or proper time : LATE
- tar·di·ness /noun

I understand that being late to class is rude and that it shows I do not want to succeed.


Student Signature

That is what the "You were late to class" worksheet looks like. If you are late to class without a pass, you will need to complete this sheet until you are allowed to participate in the rest of class. Don't come late without a pass.

Assignment #1
It is important that all rules and consequences are fair and that they allow class to function well.
  1. Calling out in class without being called on breaks at least one of our 5 rules. Which rule does it break? Explain your answer in one paragraph.
  2. What should be the consequence for this action? With your group, write a 2 paragraph letter to Mr. Locke explaining what consequence you think there should be and why this consequence is fair or why it is not fair.
  • If everyone follows all the rules in social studies, what happens? (2 sentences)
  • If some people don't follow the rules, what happens? (2 sentences)
  • If no one follows the rules, what happens? (2 sentences)