Friday, February 03, 2006

Thursday, 2/9/06 - Shi Huangdi

Welcome back to social studies!

Define these words. If you can't remember the definition, look in your textbooks or go to this online dictionary.
  • empire
  • emperor

SWBAT explain Shihuangdi's contribution to Chinese civilization.

  • Terra cotta soldiers
  • Shi Huangdi
  • Emperor
  • Qin Dynasty
  • Read this page about Shi Hunagdi to find out about China's first emperor.
  • Click here to find a picture of Shi Hunagdi.
  • Think Question #1 - Name 2 important things that Shi Huangdi did.
  • Think Question #2 - What was the name of the capital Shi Huangdi built?
  • In the reading you read about terra cotta soldiers. What are these?
  • Complete the assignment below.
  • You have just read a lot about Shu Huangdi, China's first emperor.
  • Write 1-2 paragraphs to answer:
    • Do you think Shi Huangdi was important? Why or why not?
  • When you have finished, you may begin the homework assignment.
  • Write one paragraph to answer:
    • Do you think Shi Huangdi thought that he was important? How can you tell?