Friday, March 10, 2006

Social Studies Class Procedures - Monday, 3/13/06

  • How should you come into class each day?
  • If you could have a classroom job, responsible for keeping the classroom running smoothly, would you like to have one?

SWBAT describe class procedures to make social studies a place where everyone has the chance to learn and succeed.

If you could add anything to the procedures we already have in class, what would it be?

Mr. Locke needs your help!!!

You have already done so much to help him make our classroom run better. Because I was so happy with the results of our discussions last week, I want to continue looking at our classroom and finding ways to make it better. Below is a list of things Mr. Locke needs help with. He is counting on your ideas and creativity to come up with new and better ways to do things in social studies.

Assigment #1:
In 1-3 sentences each, please describe the procedure for each of the following class activities.
  1. Coming into class each day.
  2. Asking a question.
  3. Making a comment or telling Mr. Locke something.
  4. Asking to leave your seat for any reason.
  5. Turning in your homework.
  6. Leaving class each day.
Please tell Mr. Locke (in the correct way) when you have completed this assignment.

Assignment #2:
Below is a list of things Mr. Locke needs help with. Work with your group to come up with a brand new solution to the problems that Mr. Locke sees in class.

Things Mr. Locke needs help with:
  1. Things in the classroom are messy. The bulletin boards are not up to date, the insides of the desks are out of order, the tops of the desks have lots of writing on them. What can we do to fix these problems?
  2. It seems like many students forget the rules and procedures in class too frequently. What can be done to help us all remember what we're supposed to do in class?
  3. Sometimes, it seems like choosing a technician is difficult for some tables. What can we do to make this process quicker and easier?
Classroom Jobs
Mr. Locke wants to give his students more responsibility in the classroom. You are getting older and, as you grow up, you will become more and more independent and people will expect you to take care of yourself and the things you are responsible for.

To help you learn these important life lessons, I plan on creating new classroom jobs. These jobs will be tied to where you sit in the classroom. Each table will have at least one responsibility that it will be their job to make sure is how it's supposed to be.

Assignment #3:
  1. What jobs do you think should be created in class? Some jobs will be easy to create; others are not as obvious.
  2. To create a job, you need three things:
    1. Make up a name and description of the job.
    2. Explain why your job is important to the classroom.
    3. Describe the kind of person that would be the perfect person for this job.
  3. If the job/jobs you come up with are good, Mr. Locke may use your ideas to create new positions for his students in class!