Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Social Studies Procedures - Tuesday, 3/14/06

  • How was the math test? Was it hard? Easy?
  • Why is the math test important? Explain in two sentences.
SWBAT describe class procedures to make social studies a place where everyone has the chance to learn and succeed.

  1. Read as a class.
  2. Complete the Procedures worksheet.
  3. Look back at Assignment #2, for class discussion of how we can make our classroom better.

The procedures are tied to the rules!!!
I want everyone to be able to succeed. To do this, there needs to be order, not chaos. Chaos is when everything is out of order and crazy. Order makes the classroom run well and gives EVERYONE the chance to learn and succeed in class.

Today, you will complete a worksheet on classroom procedures. We will practice these if we need to and do our best to learn and follow them so that we can get back to the business of learning so that we can succeed in the future!!!


Take another look at yesterday's assignment #2.
Assignment #2:
Below is a list of things Mr. Locke needs help with. Work with your group to come up with a brand new solution to the problems that Mr. Locke sees in class.

Things Mr. Locke needs help with:
  1. Things in the classroom are messy. The bulletin boards are not up to date, the insides of the desks are out of order, the tops of the desks have lots of writing on them. What can we do to fix these problems?
  2. It seems like many students forget the rules and procedures in class too frequently. What can be done to help us all remember what we're supposed to do in class?
  3. Sometimes, it seems like choosing a technician is difficult for some tables. What can we do to make this process quicker and easier?