Wednesday, May 17, 2006

What have the Romans ever done for us? - 5/17/06

  • What Roman accomplishment did you study yesterday?
  • Name 3 things you learned about it and explain why they are important.
Objective: SWBAT explain what the Romans accomplished (and how they influence us today)

Work on your script!

  1. Go to "What have the Romans ever done for us?" to find out what the Romans contributed to the lands they conquered and the ways they have influenced us today.
  2. When you have finished reading, take the quiz at the bottom.
  3. Assignment #1: Write a script!
Assignment #1: You have just listened to and read the script of part of a movie based in Rome in about 30 A.D. The movie is a comedy, but there is a lot of truth to what they say in the film. You assignment is to, with your group, write a script about "what the Romans have ever done for us." Find things in our lives today that we take from the Romans or pretend you are living 2,000 years ago in the Roman empire. Write the script with your group and make it funny, or serious: however you want it to be. If you do an excellent job on this assignment (you will have time to work on it tomorrow), your group will get the chance to record your voices on the computer and put your script online, for people all over the world to download!

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Roman Technology - Tuesday, 5/16/06

  • Name one advancement the Romans made in technology.
  • Why were sewers important for the Romans?
  • How did rich Romans heat their homes?

SWBAT describe Roman technology.

What Roman accomplishment do you think is the most interesting? Why does it interest you? (1 paragraph)

  1. Watch the BrainPop video on Internet searching.
  2. Complete the reading and the Think Questions.
  3. Complete Assignment #1 by doing a search on the topic your group has been assigned.
Think Question #1
What was the Pax Romana? Which emperor started it?

The Pax Romana lasted two hundred years and was a time when the Romans were able to accomplish a lot. They made a few advances in technology, like the invention of concrete, but more than that they were able to build many great buildings and influence people all over the world.

During the "Roman Peace", Rome was ruled by emperors: it was no longer a Republic, but an Empire. Since the Roman world was at peace, the people were able to build, trade and become more prosperous (rich). The Romans built roads that stretched from one side of the Empire to the other, aqueducts to bring water to their many cities, sewers to keep the people in the cities healthy, public baths where people could get clean, and great buildings like the Colosseum.

We can still see the influence of the Pax Romana on our lives today. Our ideas for highways and systems of roads comes from the Roman roads; the first major sports arena in the world was the Colosseum. We still use Roman numerals, or the Roman numbering system (just think of the Super Bowl). The world in which we live today would look a lot different if it weren't for the Romans.

Think Question #2:
From what you read yesterday, name one more way that the Romans have influenced the way we do things. (Hint: think of the bell-work)
Assignment #1:
Below, each group is given a topic on Roman technology or culture to search for more information about on the internet.
  1. Find your topic.
  2. Using what you learned from BrainPop, search the internet for your topic.
  3. Find as many facts as you can and complete the graphic organizer Mr. Locke has given you.
  • Group 1 - Roman Roads
  • Group 2 - Roman Aqueducts
  • Group 3 - Roman numerals
  • Group 4 - Roman Concrete
  • Group 5 - Roman Colosseum
  • Group 6 - Roman Sewers
  • Group 7 - Roman baths

Thursday, May 11, 2006

The Roman Empire and the Pax Romana - 5/11/06

  1. What countries touch France?
  2. Name the countries on this week's geo list that touch the Atlantic Ocean.
SWBAT define the Pax Romana and explain how the Roman Empire grew so large.

  1. Watch the BrainPop videos as a class and take the quizzes.
  2. Read this page about the Roman Empire.
  3. Write a journal entry about what you think about the Pax Romana.
Assignment #1
Write a journal entry about what you think about the Pax Romana. In your entry, think about these questions:
  • When you think of peace, what do you think of?
  • Was the Pax Romana really all about peace?
  • What did the Romans do in order to make their empire bigger?
  • Were the Romans a peaceful group of people?

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Rome vs. Hannibal: The Roman Army - 5/04/06

  1. Where was Hannibal from?
  2. How did he get to Rome?
  3. Why were the Romans so afraid of him?


SWBAT describe Rome's army and explain how it defeated Hannibal.

  • Quiz tomorrow. Make sure you know about:
    • Rome's Republic.
    • The geography of Rome.
    • The Roman army.
  • Homework packets are due tomorrow.
    • Because I did not explain the homework on Monday, I WILL NOT count that homework assignment.
  • Good choices = good consequences.
    • If your class has had good behavior and worked hard this week, the reward will be watching a movie tomorrow after the quiz.
    • If your class has misbehaved, there will be an assignment to complete.

  1. Click this link - Read the page and take the quiz at the bottom.
  2. Complete Assignment #1.

Assignment #1: You are a Roman in 202 B.C. You have been hearing a lot from your friend, Severus, about this Carthaginian general, Hannibal, and how he was beaten by Scipio. You once served in the Roman army and you aren't sure that what he says is true. Specifically, Severus claims that Hannibal was weak and that his army was beaten because he was really just a big scaredy-cat. You know better. Using what you know about the tactics and weapons of the Roman army, write a letter to Severus explaining that Rome won because the army is strong, not because Hannibal was weak.
  • Write a letter to Severus explaining why Rome won.
  • You MUST include at least 3 facts about the army that you got from today's reading online.
  • The letter should be at least 2 paragraphs long.
  • Ex. : "Dear Severus, You are terribly mistaken. Rome conquered Hannibal, not because of that man's weakness, but because of the strength of the Roman legions. The legionnaires and their leaders, the centurions, are so brave and fight together so well, they never turn their backs on an enemy.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Hannibal: Rome's Worst Nightmare - 5/03/06

  1. What countries on this week's geo list touch the Mediterranean?
  2. What countries are on 2 continents?
SWBAT describe Hannibal and the Punic Wars by doing internet research.

  1. Click this link at to read about Hannibal.
  2. Click the link below to get a map of Hannibal's attack plan against Rome.
  3. Complete the worksheets on Hannibal.

Monday, May 01, 2006

Rome: Republic - Monday, 5/1/06

  • What story did the Romans tell to explain how their city began?
  • Did Rome begin as a large empire? Why or why not?
Objective: SWBAT describe the Roman Republic.

Homework: Worksheet pg. 73 (will be in the homework packet tomorrow)

  1. Read about the Roman Republic.
  2. Watch the videos on Rome's Republic.
  3. Answer the questions about the Republic.
Watch the videos about Rome's Republic. TAKE NOTES on how the Republic started and how it worked.

Read this webpage about the Roman Republic; STOP reading when you get to the paragraph that begins, "The greatest challenge the Roman Republic faced was that of the Carthaginians."

Assignment #1:
  1. (V) Why did the Republic start?
  2. (V & R) How did the Romans choose their leaders?
  3. (R) What was a consul?
  4. (V & R) Was everyone in Rome rich?
  5. (R) What were the different classes in Rome called?
  6. (V) Did women in Rome get to vote?
  7. (V) How did the rich try to get the votes of poor people in the Republic?

Homework: Worksheet pg. 73 (will be in the homework packet tomorrow)