Thursday, May 11, 2006

The Roman Empire and the Pax Romana - 5/11/06

  1. What countries touch France?
  2. Name the countries on this week's geo list that touch the Atlantic Ocean.
SWBAT define the Pax Romana and explain how the Roman Empire grew so large.

  1. Watch the BrainPop videos as a class and take the quizzes.
  2. Read this page about the Roman Empire.
  3. Write a journal entry about what you think about the Pax Romana.
Assignment #1
Write a journal entry about what you think about the Pax Romana. In your entry, think about these questions:
  • When you think of peace, what do you think of?
  • Was the Pax Romana really all about peace?
  • What did the Romans do in order to make their empire bigger?
  • Were the Romans a peaceful group of people?