Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Roman Technology - Tuesday, 5/16/06

  • Name one advancement the Romans made in technology.
  • Why were sewers important for the Romans?
  • How did rich Romans heat their homes?

SWBAT describe Roman technology.

What Roman accomplishment do you think is the most interesting? Why does it interest you? (1 paragraph)

  1. Watch the BrainPop video on Internet searching.
  2. Complete the reading and the Think Questions.
  3. Complete Assignment #1 by doing a search on the topic your group has been assigned.
Think Question #1
What was the Pax Romana? Which emperor started it?

The Pax Romana lasted two hundred years and was a time when the Romans were able to accomplish a lot. They made a few advances in technology, like the invention of concrete, but more than that they were able to build many great buildings and influence people all over the world.

During the "Roman Peace", Rome was ruled by emperors: it was no longer a Republic, but an Empire. Since the Roman world was at peace, the people were able to build, trade and become more prosperous (rich). The Romans built roads that stretched from one side of the Empire to the other, aqueducts to bring water to their many cities, sewers to keep the people in the cities healthy, public baths where people could get clean, and great buildings like the Colosseum.

We can still see the influence of the Pax Romana on our lives today. Our ideas for highways and systems of roads comes from the Roman roads; the first major sports arena in the world was the Colosseum. We still use Roman numerals, or the Roman numbering system (just think of the Super Bowl). The world in which we live today would look a lot different if it weren't for the Romans.

Think Question #2:
From what you read yesterday, name one more way that the Romans have influenced the way we do things. (Hint: think of the bell-work)
Assignment #1:
Below, each group is given a topic on Roman technology or culture to search for more information about on the internet.
  1. Find your topic.
  2. Using what you learned from BrainPop, search the internet for your topic.
  3. Find as many facts as you can and complete the graphic organizer Mr. Locke has given you.
  • Group 1 - Roman Roads
  • Group 2 - Roman Aqueducts
  • Group 3 - Roman numerals
  • Group 4 - Roman Concrete
  • Group 5 - Roman Colosseum
  • Group 6 - Roman Sewers
  • Group 7 - Roman baths