Monday, March 27, 2006

The China Project - Tuesday, 3/28/06

  • What are human rights?
  • Why are human rights important?

SWBAT describe what they will do for the China Research Project.

Continue taking notes for your research.

The China Research Project
Instead of a final test on China, every student in class will complete a China research project. For this project you will:
  • Write a three-page paper on any topic you choose about China.
  • The best papers will be included in a China podcast.
You will choose your topic as a group. This will allow the whole group to work together to research their topic, find books and websites together, and help each other to do their best work on the project.

Each group will choose 1 topic, but every student will write their own paper. One of our class goals is that you will leave this class able to do a research project. I want you to be the best writers you can be, and in order to do this, it takes practice.

Here are a few topic suggestions:
  • Confucius
  • The Forbidden City
  • The Great Wall of China
  • Ming Dynasty
  • Shang Dynasty
  • Qin Dynasty
  • Chinese goods for trade (silk, porcelain, tea, etc.)
  • The Silk Road
  • The Opium Wars
  • Chinese Civil War
  • Human Rights in China
    • One-Child Policy
    • Democracy
  • Communism in China
The 3-page draft of your research paper is due Wednesday, April 4th. We will review your projects in class and then the final draft will be due that Monday, April 9th.

2-4 of the best research papers in each class will be turned into podcasts!!!
What is a podcast? It's very similar to a radio broadcast, but on the internet. With a podcast, anyone from anywhere in the world can listen to and download your work. There are podcasts for music, comedy, travel, education and many other things.
Click here for a look to see what another class's podcast page looks like.

Research is one of the most important parts of social studies. You need to be able to choose a topic, find places to read and learn about it, and then write about what you learned. One of the big goals of our social studies class is that you will be able to write a 5-page research paper.

The first thing you need to do for your research is choose a topic. Take a few minutes with your group to choose a topic. When you have chosen one, write down your topic in your notebook and show Mr. Locke.

Now that you have a topic, you need to find information. There are many places that you can get information, and where you look will depend on your topic. The best and most reliable place to look for information is in the library where you can find many books and magazines to find information. Another great place for information is on the internet.

When you are writing a research paper, you need to have many facts and details to put into the paragraphs that will make up your paper. A great way to keep track of these facts and details is to take notes. Write down the facts and details of what you read that you think are important or will make your paper more interesting.

Assignment #1 - Find 3 good sources of information on your topic.
  • To find good sources of information, first check your textbooks. Your textbook will give you a little bit of information about all of these topics, and will help you figure out where to look.
  • When you have found some information in your textbooks (the textbook may not have any information on your topic), go to the class library and try to find at least one book that will give you information on your topic.
  • Once you have found a book, go to Google on the internet and enter the name of your topic to search for more information.
  • Once you have found three places to get information (textbook, a book, a website), begin reading and taking notes together with your group.
    • Write down all important and interesting details in your notebooks.
    • You will use the information you get in your notes to write your research paper.
Continue taking notes for your research.


  • Your first draft is due next Wednesday.
  • The final draft due date is Monday, April 9th.