Sunday, February 26, 2006

Tuesday, 2/28/06 - The Ming Decline, the Qing Take Over

  • Have your homework on your desk so Mr. Locke can check it.
  • What is the Forbidden City? Who built it? Who lived there?
  • Why did China think it was the center of the world?


SWBAT use cause and effect to explain why the Ming dynasty fell.

Define these vocabulary words:
  • Foreign
  • Decline
  • Exploration
  • Exotic
  • Prosperous

Intro to the Lesson:

China was the envy of people all over the world. Zheng He had led explorations from China all the way to Africa and proven how advanced Chinese civilization was. Chinese silk, porcelain and tea were wanted all over the world, especially in Europe. Traders came from around the world to buy China's exotic goods, which they would take back to their own country and sell for a lot of money. With all of these people coming from thousands of miles just to get their hands on Chinese goods, it seemed natural that China would think it was the center of the world.

However, even though China grew rich and prosperous, the Ming dynasty could not hold on to power. Many factors brought the Ming dynasty down. Read this excerpt from yesterday's reading about the decline of the Ming. You are going to use the idea of cause and effect to explain why things happened as they did to cause the Ming to fall. YOU will figure out what caused the Ming to fall and YOU will explain this with your group. Then, when you have finished this, you will learn a little about the Qing (Ch'ing) dynasty that took the Ming's place.

Read this part of yesterday's reading:

The Ming Decline

"Later Ming emperors worried about Mongol invaders. They strengthened and extended the Great Wall, begun by Shi Huangdi almost 2,000 years earlier.

"The Great Wall was expensive. The Ming abandoned shipbuilding and lost interest in voyages of exploration. China's attention turned inward for the next few centuries.

"By 1600 the Ming dynasty had become weak and corrupt. Taxes were raised to finance the luxurious life of the emperor's court. Several bad harvests caused millions to starve. Rebellions and riots undermined the Ming government."

  1. Use cause and effect to explain why the Ming dynasty declined.
    1. Remember, to find the cause, ask "WHY?"
    2. To find the effect, ask "WHAT?"
  2. Create a cause and effect chart using what you have read about the Ming decline. Below are 6 facts from the reading above. Each is either a cause or effect. Using the reading, for each cause, find the effect; for each effect, find the cause.
    1. Cause: Ming emperors worried about Mongol invaders.
    2. Effect: The Ming lost interest in voyages of exploration.
    3. Cause: The Great Wall was expensive.
    4. Effect: Riots and rebellion happened in China.
    5. Cause: The emperor lived a luxurious life and needed money to pay for it.
    6. Effect: The Ming dynasty became weak.
  3. Once you have completed the cause and effect chart, read this introduction about the Qing dynasty in China that took the place of the Ming dynasty.
  4. Once you have finished reading, check out Time for Kids' "Go Places: China" page for some fun China activities.

Define these vocabulary words:
  • Foreign
  • Decline
  • Exploration
  • Exotic
  • Prosperous

Monday, 2/27/06 - China: Center of the World

  • What is the name of China's president? Where does he live? (Hint: look at last Thursday's lesson)
  • What is a dynasty?
SWBAT describe what China was like during the Ming Dynasty before it became modern.

Write one paragraph to answer question 2 in Chapter 19, Lesson 2 - "List 3 important developments of Chinese civilization."

China was once a great empire. The people considered themselves to be the center of the world. They thought no other country was greater than theirs and in many ways they were right. Chinese civilization had produced great art, literature, inventions and buildings that people today are still amazed by.

However, this did not last. After hundreds of years of being the greatest civilization on the face of the earth, China found itself beaten and humiliated by countries that it thought were weak and backward.

This week, we will begin our unit on Modern China. We will learn how Chinese civilization made great achievements, found itself in sharp decline, and later how it is quickly becoming one of the world's graet nations again. Today, you will learn about the accomplishments of the Ming dynasty, one of China's greatest dynasties.

The Ming Dynasty

  1. Read pages 390-393 in your red textbook.
  2. Check this map to see what the Ming Dynasty looked like.
  3. Answer these questions about the reading and the Ming Dynasty.
    1. Who was Zheng He? What did he do?
    2. What was the Forbidden City?
    3. Why did the Ming Dynasty decline?
    4. The Ming had many accomplishments. Name 3 of them.
    5. Do you think China was right to think it was the greatest civilization in the world? Why or why not?
  4. If you finish the questions in time, you can go here to find out more about the Forbidden City, one of the most incredible buildings ever built.
  5. Don't forget your homework!
  • Homework:
    Write one paragraph to answer question 2 in Chapter 19, Lesson 2 - "List 3 important developments of Chinese civilization."

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Thursday, 2/16/06 - CIA Intelligence Analysts

  • What did you think of the test yesterday?
  • Was it hard? Was it easy?
  • How do you think our tests could be better?
SWBAT save the U.S. government from war by stopping a terrorist plot to assassinate China's president.

Read Ch. 19, Lesson 3 in your green textbook and define the Key Vocabulary and Key People at the beginning of the chapter.

The U.S. Government needs your help!!!
  • The CIA has gotten word that terrorists may try to attack China.
    • We believe the terrorists' goal is to assassinate the president of China, Hu Jintao (click here for a picture).
    • It is possible that they will frame the U.S. government.
      • If the Chinese think it was the United States, they could go to war with America!!!
  • The CIA is DESPARATE!!!
    • The Central Intelligence Agency does not have enough computers or people to help them stop this plot.
    • They have asked for your class's help.
    • As a group, go to the CIA website and read the introduction about modern China.
  • The CIA needs you to locate the Chinese president.
    • Read the article below from the Chinese Newspaper "People's Daily"
    • Write a 2 paragraph report to the CIA Director explaining where China's president is and what he is doing there, and include in your report any details you learn about China's President Hu Jintao.
      1. Go to the CIA website and read the introduction about modern China.
      2. Read this article from China's People's Daily to learn where China's president is and what he's doing.
      3. Look at these pictures to see if they help you locate Hu Jintao.
      4. Write 2 paragraphs about where the president is, what he is doing there and give as many details as you can about the president.
      5. When you have completed your report, give it to Mr. Locke who will then forward it to the CIA.
  • DO YOUR BEST!!! America needs you!
What did you think of today's lesson? Was it fun? Was it hard?

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Wednesday, 2/15/06 - China Test

China Test!
Remember, if you were absent for the China test on Wednesday, YOU NEED TO MAKE IT UP!!!

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Tuesday, 2/14/06 - CHINA REVIEW!!!

SWBAT review what they have learned about ancient China for the test on Wednesday.

We will play Ancient China Jeopardy to help us review for tomorrow's exam.

Complete the China review worksheet to help review for the test.

Monday, 2/13/06 - Putting China's Dynasties in Order


  • Name at least 2 Chinese inventions.
  • Were these important? Why?


SWBAT create a timeline of China's dynasties.

Study for Wednesday's test.

  • There will be a test on ancient China next Wednesday.

  • Go to this website to see a timeline of China.
  • Think Question #1 - Which dynasties do you recognize?
    • Are all of them spelled the same as they were in your book?
    • Why do you think that is?
  • Choose one dynasty. Click on it and read about it.
    • Write at least 3 important facts about the dynasty you have chosen.
  • When you have finished this, TURN OFF YOUR COMPUTER!!!
    • Mr. Locke has another assignment for you that you must complete before you go.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Homework - Extra Credit

If you would like to earn some extra credit, you can do some internet research about the Han Dynasty.

  • The Han was a very important dynasty in China's history.
  • Click here to read a little more about it.
  • Find two more websites about the Han Dynasty. To do this, you can use Google.
  • Write 2 paragraphs.
    • The first paragraph should tell some of the history of the Han dynasty.
    • The second paragraph should explain why the Han Dynasty was or was not important.

Friday, February 03, 2006

Friday, 2/10/06 - Technology in Ancient China

  • Who was Shi Hunagdi?
  • Name two important things that he did.
SWBAT describe Chinese advances in technology.

  • There will be a test on ancient China next Wednesday.

Ancient Chinese civilization had one of the greatest systems of learning of all ancient civilizations. They invented many things that we still use today.

  • Go here to find out more about ancient Chinese technology. (This is a loooooooong page. Don't worry! I only want you to read up to "Paper Inventions". Do not read Paper Inventions or anything after it.)
  • Choose three inventions that you find interesting.
    • Think Question #1 - How would life be different if we did not have each of these inventions?
  • When you have answered the Think Question, choose one invention to research.
    • To research your topic, go to Google and type in the name of your invention.
    • Many different websites will come up. If you want to know more about how your invention was made in China, type in your search, "invention + China" and see if you come up with better results.
    • If you want to find reading that is more on your level, you might type "invention + kids" to come up with websites that were written for students instead of adults.
  • Once you have found out more about your invention, write one paragraph to explain what you learned about the invention.
Closing Question:
Does what you learned about today have anything to do with the civilization formula? Explain.

Thursday, 2/9/06 - Shi Huangdi

Welcome back to social studies!

Define these words. If you can't remember the definition, look in your textbooks or go to this online dictionary.
  • empire
  • emperor

SWBAT explain Shihuangdi's contribution to Chinese civilization.

  • Terra cotta soldiers
  • Shi Huangdi
  • Emperor
  • Qin Dynasty
  • Read this page about Shi Hunagdi to find out about China's first emperor.
  • Click here to find a picture of Shi Hunagdi.
  • Think Question #1 - Name 2 important things that Shi Huangdi did.
  • Think Question #2 - What was the name of the capital Shi Huangdi built?
  • In the reading you read about terra cotta soldiers. What are these?
  • Complete the assignment below.
  • You have just read a lot about Shu Huangdi, China's first emperor.
  • Write 1-2 paragraphs to answer:
    • Do you think Shi Huangdi was important? Why or why not?
  • When you have finished, you may begin the homework assignment.
  • Write one paragraph to answer:
    • Do you think Shi Huangdi thought that he was important? How can you tell?

Wednesday, 2/8/06 - Welcome to the 6th Grade Social Studies Blog!


  1. Choose a technician.
  2. Get a laptop.
  3. Go to the Social Studies Website:
  4. Copy the objective and complete today's assignments.

SWBAT use the Social Studies website to complete the lesson.

  • Once you have copied the objective, read below as a group.
  • When you have finished reading, complete the assignment at the end of the reading.
Read as a group:
Many of our lessons in class will begin here. Take a minute to look at the website. Enjoy!

You will be working in groups when we use the website to do our lessons.
The regular rules apply:
  1. Treat the computers gently.
  2. Only one person may work on the computer at a time.
  3. The technician is responsible for taking care of the computer (turning it on and off, putting it away, choosing who is on it).
  4. Only school-related websites may be viewed.
  5. Learn and have FUN!!!
Every time you use the computers, there will still be an objective, bell-work, a closing question and homework for you to write down. Additionally, you will be asked to answer questions and complete assignments in your notebook. The difference is, you will be getting much of this from the computer rather than from the board or from Mr. Locke.

Important: You will not be allowed to use the computers if you...
  1. Are disruptive (call out without raising your hand, get other students' attention rather than let others do their work).
  2. Are disrespectful to your classmates or the teacher (say anything inappropriate, talk back to Mr. Locke when he asks you to do something, keep others from doing their work).
  3. Do not follow directions (if you are given directions on the website or by Mr. Locke, you must follow them).
Using the computers is a privilege. If you cannot be trusted to behave well and complete the work, you will NOT use the computers. The computers are expensive tools and they need to be treated with care. If you do not follow all rules, the consequence will be loss of computer privileges.


  • Open a second internet window by clicking on Internet Explorer again. Keep one of the 2 windows on the so that you can go back and look at the assignment.
  • Click here and read about Confucius as a group.
  • Click here to see a picture of a Confucian temple. Here's another temple.
  • Answer the questions below:

Answer these questions in your notebook:
  1. What were the key teachings of Confucius?
  2. Do you think his teachings were good? Why?
  3. Confucius said: "If you enjoy what you do, you'll never work another day in your life." What do you think this means? Explain your answer.
What do you think about doing our lessons in this way? Do you think it will work well? Why or why not?